Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ATR: Twitter

A couple of weeks ago, at a half day seminar that I presented to the ARMA Nebraska Chapter, I said something humorous about "twits Tweeting" (I liked the alliteration) . With all due respect to my esteemed professional colleagues who Tweet with regularity, I hope you understand that I wasn't talking about you.

I opened a Twitter account the other day and began doing some "Following" this evening. There's a work-related reason for this, but we'll add that story to the book of stories that I can't ever tell in public. It will be a long book at the rate things are going.


I decided to see what this "Following" thing was all about. So I "Followed" some of my fellow bloggers, some work-related Twitter accounts, and some odds and ends. Next thing I know, people are thanking me for Following them, and inviting others to Follow ME!!!! EEEEEK! Then people I'm not Following are signing up with me and I think they are all expecting a Tweet or something. People, people, people... I can't speak in less than 75 minute increments or create a PowerPoint with less than 25 slides and there is no way in heck that I can write anything resembling a full thought in 140 characters or less. I had to create this blog because I was filling up the Listserve when I rambled on...

So sorry Followers, there will be no profundity in less than 140 characters from me. You'll have to come here for the unabridged version. And you really don't care about my general health, what I had for lunch, or what I'm shopping for, right?

Why is this post, "Above the RIM"? Well, even if you are afraid of becoming known as a twit who Tweets, you may need to join Twitter to see who is Tweeting and what presence your organization has on Twitter. You might be surprised. And when you find your organization's presence, have you found records of the organization, pointers to press releases retained elsewhere, or just the musings of twits who Tweet?

I'll be over here, trying not to bow to peer pressure or those accumulating Followers...

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